Asked Questions
C. Are you concerned about yourself? Are
you easily frustrated with your children and find yourself behaving in
ways you do not feel comfortable with?
Parental stress is a common
problem among today’s parents. Parents today face stresses that
were not part of the picture 20 years ago. Many parents are often trying
work, manage
a home, and have a social life as well. Many parents do not have support
from their extended family and may not have many breaks from parenting.
Many parents have on-going personal issues like depression or anxiety.
Some parents may have problems in their family, like illness or problems
sleeping, which make things harder. Parents may be faced with a particularly
challenging child. There may be financial stresses too. Whatever the
cause there is help available.
Help starts with identifying the problems.
Here are some questions to get you started.
- Are you isolated from others
and feel you have few adult with whom you can talk to openly? Most
communities have Early Childhood Family
programs for families with children birth to 5 years. These programs
are run by the school districts and can be contacted through the
schools in your area. For parents of an older child, schools often
have ideas
about other group situations where you could meet other parents.
First Call for Help at ….. will have a listing of parent support
groups. If a group is not your thing, a counselor can be a good listening
and can help you find individual ways to connect. A church, synagogue,
or mosque can be a resource for connecting with others or getting
support. Lastly, sometimes just taking the time to reach out to a neighbor
co-worker can be a good first step if you let them know you are feeling
lonely, stressed or in need of support.
- Are you alone with your children
most of the time? Do not be afraid to ask others for help. Most communities
have churches or religious
which offer free child, care on an occasional basis. Often community
centers, YMCA and the like will offer reasonably priced childcare
on occasional basis. If you know of other parents who have children
your child’s age, ask them if they would consider a babysitting
exchange; take turns giving each other one night of free baby-sitting.
Safety, should always be a consideration when doing these babysitting
exchanges. Be sure you feel comfortable with the way the other family
disciplines their children and that they know how you want your child
treated. It is okay to ask them about guns in their home, alcohol
use in their home, and to tell them you do not want them to use physical
discipline with your child.
- Is the way you are disciplining your child
not working as you want or hope? Most family counseling centers offer
classes or in home
counselors which can give you new ideas about how to work with your
- Are you yelling a lot or hitting in anger?
If your parenting style is not working you may be getting frustrated.
Not all children
same way to traditional parenting strategies. Some children need
special techniques. Most family counseling centers offer parenting
or in- home counselors which can give you new ideas about how to
work with
your children. Call First Call for Help at …. for a list of
family counseling centers in your area. If your children are responding
to your
parenting and you still feel angry, you may need some individual
help to get to the cause of your anger. Individual counseling should
be available
from your medical insurance provider. If they cannot offer you help
or you do not have health insurance, individual counseling is available
at a reduced rate at many mental health centers.
- Are you spanking your child and leaving a mark? This is child
abuse. Even if it was not intentional. It is a sign that you need
Please get help for yourself. Your child is being harmed by this
type of parenting.
Children who are spanked in this manner often experience depression
and low self-esteem as adults. They tend to be less successful in
school and in employment compared to children who were not disciplined
way. Many will have legal problems themselves from aggressive behavior.
Many will abuse drugs or alcohol as a result of this type of parenting.
If your parenting style is not working you may be getting frustrated.
Not all children respond the same way to traditional parenting strategies.
Some children need special techniques. Most family counseling centers
offer parenting classes or in-home counselors which can give you
new ideas about how to work with your children. Call First Call for
at .. for a list of family counseling centers in your area. If your
are responding to your parenting and you still feel angry, you may
need some individual help to get to the cause of your anger. Individual
should be available from your medical insurance provider. If they
cannot offer you help or you do not have health insurance, individual
is available at a reduced rate at many mental health centers.
- Are you calling your child names or making
negative comments like “you
will never turn out good” or “you will never have anything
in life.” This is emotional abuse. Your child is being harmed
by this type of parenting. Depression, anxiety, and behavioral problems
are often the result of this type of parenting. If your parenting
is not working you may be getting frustrated. Not all children respond
the same way to traditional parenting strategies. Some children need
special techniques. Most family counseling centers offer parenting
classes or in-home counselors which can give you new ideas about
how to work
with your children. Call First Call for Help at .. for a list of
family counseling centers in your area. If your children are responding
to your
parenting and you still feel angry, you may need some individual
help to get to the cause of your anger. Individual counseling should
be available
from your medical insurance provider. If they cannot offer you help
or you do not have health insurance, individual counseling is available
at a reduced rate at many mental health centers.
Other FAQs
A. Are you concerned about a child
in your family, church, work place or neighborhood?
B. Are you concerned about your
own children? Are they possibly being affected by violence or sexual
behavior in their home? D. Do you find your child especially challenging or draining?
Are you not getting the support you need or want?
E. Do you just want
to help the families and children in your daily life?