Yourself About Opera

Here is a suggested program
that NSO could host (ripped off from the MET)
Offer an educational program designed to help further music and arts education
in schools across the nation. Opera is a powerful medium for learning about
all of the arts — music, theater, dance and the visual arts — as
well as about history, literature and foreign language. By working directly
with teachers create programs that make opera accessible and exciting to
people of all ages and backgrounds. The Educator Programs would teach classroom
teachers, music teachers and teaching artists how to use opera as a unique
and lively vehicle for learning. NSO could work with teachers to incorporate
opera as part of their school curriculum and to provide a continuity of
experiences for young people.
This also sounds like an interesting program
Creating Original Opera (COO) is a process of creating, producing and performing
an original opera with a group of students from any grade. The students
write a script, compose music, design costumes and make-up, build sets,
lights, and props, manage, promote, assess, and perform an original opera.